Religious education

This file contains a wordsearch, using names and words associated with The Christmas Nativity, there is a printable sheet for the student and a solution sheet for the teacher. I have included two versions, one in PDF and the second an Excel file, whichever is your preference. I hope that someone may find this useful during the period leading up to Christmas

This Easter Quiz comes in two formats. When using the first sheet, the answers can be entered directly onto the computer. It begins with a blank sheet and after entering EASTER into the green square the first of the 20 Easter-themed questions will appear. The second sheet is a printable version of the quiz for use as an end-of-term class exercise. I have also included a PDF version of the printable sheet, whichever is your preference. ** I have since included a PowerPoint version.

This contains a list of anagrams which when unscrambled will reveal 25 names or phrases associated with Christmas, a solution sheet is included. I hope this will be of some use during the lead-up to Christmas.

All the words and names in this Crossword have a connection with Christmas, simply solve the clues and then enter the answers into the matching numbered squares in the grid. There is a printable sheet, together with a solution page. I have included two versions, one in PDF and the second an Excel file, whichever is your preference.

This file contains one criss-cross puzzle and one wordsearch, both using words or names associated with the Christian Festival of Easter. In the criss-cross puzzle the student will be asked to name the words, terms or Biblical figures from the clues provided, and then enter these into the matching squares in the numbered grid. In the wordsearch puzzle the student has to find in the grid all the words or names listed. For both puzzles, there is a printable sheet for the student and a solution sheet for the teacher. As usual, to make the answers easier to locate in the wordsearch solution, I have highlighted the first letter of each word in yellow, or orange when the letter begins two words or terms running in different directions. I have included two versions, one in PDF and the second an Excel file, whichever is your preference.

The Christmas Alphabet Quiz comes in two formats. When using the first sheet, the answers can be entered directly onto the computer. It begins with a blank sheet and after entering NOEL into the red square the first question will appear. There is one Christmas-themed question for each letter of the alphabet. The second sheet is a printable version of the same quiz for use as a seasonal class exercise. I have also included a separate PDF version of the printable sheet, and a PowerPoint presentation whichever is your preference.

In the lead-up to Christmas - simply 15 anagrams to solve to reveal 15 well-known Christmas carols.

As we shall soon be approaching the Christmas season I have brought a seasonal theme to my earlier Cross Numbers Puzzle. The puzzle is designed in the same way as a traditional crossword but using numbers instead of words, each clue is a sum, and the result should be entered into the matching squares on the numbered grid. On this occasion the clues are in part taken from the number of gifts in the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas”. The file contains one puzzle, together with the solution, there is also a sheet containing the lyrics of the song. I have included two versions, one in PDF and the second an Excel file, whichever is your preference.

I have used twenty well-known carols for this Christmas activity, given a line from each carol, the pupil must try to identify the carol it has been taken from. There are two versions, in the first there are no extra clues, the second version has been made slightly easier as it includes an alphabetical list of the carols. There is a printable sheet for the pupil and a solution sheet for the teacher. I do hope that someone can make use of this during the run-up to Christmas.